Monday, August 30, 2010

Bed of Roses

Take a minute to really look at that picture. What do you think when you see it? When I look at it, I feel happiness. I smile and it makes me think of good times. That's my best friend Hannah and I on my first night back from Philadelphia. 
     I am truly blessed with such an amazing friend like her. I finally found someone who understands me and someone who is not going to leave me for stupid reasons, like most people usually do. Someone who really likes me for who I am and nothing more.
    I feel like when people see pictures like that, they think this: Oh, So if you're a Christian and you believe in God, everything in my life will immediately get better. No. Not at all. People have it all wrong. First off, we're merely human. We ALL make mistakes, we ALL make wrong choices, We ALL have our up and down days.
     Second, Being a Christian doesn't mean you're going to be all happy and everything in your life is going to be perfect 24/7, It just means you're choosing to follow God and give all your heart to Him. This is how I imagine it: There's a regular wire gate, on the left, there's darkness. The floor is cracking, and it looks terrible, but all your friends are there waiting for you, calling you over. On the other side, there's a bright blue sky and emerald green grass and warmth, but nobody is there waiting for you. You HAVE to pick a side, you can't go back, and you can't go in-between.
    Which side would you choose? Of course, most of you would say "The side with all my friends!" Wrong. Trust me, I once chose to go on that side, but you have to think, if I had gone on the other side, just looked a little beyond not being able to go to my friends, God would be there waiting for me, And he is. And why am I telling you all of this? Because right at this very moment, right as I'm typing, people are dying and going to Hell. Hell is just as real as Heaven is. 
     I think we all forget how real Hell is. Just think, every step you take, everywhere you go, people are dying and suffering. Don't you want to do something about it? To sum this up, Christianity is NOT a bed of roses, it's not easy at all, being different. It's just worth it.   


  1. Wow! U are so talented and so good at writing!!!!!!!!!! u are truly such an awesome, amazing and wonderful friend!<3

  2. This is have such a gift for writing. Keep it up Lorynne!! I'll definitely follow this blog for sure! :)
