Saturday, August 28, 2010

Go Left

    You know those days when nothing seems to go right? And it seems no matter how much fun you had, at the end of the day it doesn't even matter anymore. I had one of those days today. By the end of the day, I wanted to cry. It was my first beach trip with my youth group, and I had so much fun, but then I only focused on the bad things that happened. 
    I realized once I got home, why should I focus on that? I had so many more good times today than I have in a long while, then 10 minutes later, I get a bible verse sent to my phone (I get 2 a day) and it said this:
    "He will wipe away every tear from them. Every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; neither will there be mourning" John 21:4. 
    How awesome is that?! Right when I feel like I hate myself and I just want to give up on everything, Right when I'm feeling worthless and stupid, I read that. It reminded me none of it matters! We all have our ups and downs, but why focus on the downs in the first place? I know it's hard not to. Nothing going right. But when nothing goes right, Go Left :]  

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