Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Oh, How He Loves Us So....

Oh God, Even when everything is going wrong, you're still always there for me. I don't know why, but just now I felt a sudden feeling on peace wash over me, and I felt like God was telling me he's always there. I'm starting high school this Monday! THIS MONDAY! And I'm probably one of the only teens I know who isn't excited. 
      To tell you the truth, I'm worried about self-image. In middle school, I didn't care what everyone thought of me because I knew all these people since my little elementary days, and I had never really fit in with them, so why try now, you know? I guess I was just hoping I could fit in a little better. New school, new people.
    I'm slowly starting to get excited as this last week of freedom goes by. There's going to be people who think a bit like me, people who dress like me, people who can try to understand me. And even if there isn't, I will always have my best friend, Hannah, by my side. And I love having her there, She's amazing, but I do want to reach out and see how many people can relate to me, and since there's so many people, hopefully it'll be better than middle school, which was terrible.
     Anyways, to sum it all up, I just felt like God was saying: "Listen, Lorynne. No matter how many people hurt you in these next 4-5 years of your life, no matter how many people leave you, no matter how hard and stressed you get, and no matter how much you feel like giving up, Don't. Because I am going to be by your side no matter what." And it has to be the best feeling in the world.

I know I already put this quote on the bottom of my first post, but I just cant get enough of it. So here it is again:
"The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever." 1John 2:17

     Just remember that verse when you feel like he isn't there, because he always is. Sometimes the hard stuff or the stuff we're scared of that just doesn't seem fair, and you're wondering why God would make you go through it. It's going to pass. It's just God getting rid of the junk in your life to put in something better and exciting. He Loves Us So Much. Remember That.   


  1. that is sooooo awesome lorynne! i'm soooo proud of you! love ya!<3~hannahbanana

  2. i love it lorynne and i will always be there for you too, i love you girly!!!!!! high school will go by fast and its a rollercoaster lemme tell ya but its worth it,
