Sunday, August 15, 2010


My Sunday Pastor is amazing. He always knows how to really make me think. The question he asked us today was: Do You Want To Be Free? Of course we all want to be free! People just aren't willing to sacrifice what it takes to really be free these days. It's ironic when you think about it. Jesus gave up so much for us, shouldn't we be able to give him what little he asks of us?
    There's an amazing quote I've been hearing lately too: God Loves You Just The Way You Are, But He Loves You Way Too Much To Let You Stay That Way. It's perfectly true. Just think, you could have your fun now, and spend an eternity burning in Hell, or you can live for Jesus. Sure, You might get made fun of, but wouldn't you rather get made fun of now and have a lifetime of endless joy later on?
    I don't people realize that Hell is just as real as Heaven is. People would rather go to the place with gnashing of teeth and endless suffering than go through a few cruel words and actions now. It really makes you think: This is where I'm going for ETERNITY. I can't even wrap my mind around that concept. This is never going to end. It's going to go on forever. FOREVER. Would you rather spend Eternity in pain and suffering, or in endless joy and peace. The choice is ours.
      Just remember: God has open arms for you. No matter what the circumstance. He always loves you and no matter what horrible thing you've done, he'll always forgive you. He wants you to be in Heaven someday, But it's up to you.
Pain? Or Joy? You can't live in-between.   

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