Friday, August 13, 2010


For those of you who truly know me, I am one of the most insecure people you'll meet. I HATE the way I look and get angry with myself every time someone says I'm pretty, because they're WRONG.
    I usually never tell anyone how insecure I really am because I almost always get this response: "she just wants attention". NO. You know, there are millions of girls in the world cutting themselves, starving themselves, puking their guts out and killing themselves. Do you honestly think all these girls do that to themselves for ATTENTION?!
    If people only knew how hard it is to be a teen girl with individuality in these times, maybe we'd actually be helping these girls more than putting them down and making whatever they're going through worse. And Yes, I would know, because I was one of those girls not too long ago. And I know that attention-craving wasn't on my mind when I was sticking my finger down my throat every night.
       I did it because I hated myself to the point where I physically wanted to hurt myself. I did it because I felt worthless, I felt like I was NOTHING to ANYONE. I felt alone, and people just looked at me and rolled there eyes because I wanted ATTENTION.
       This was just a rant of my feelings, and hopefully it made you think too.   

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