Friday, September 24, 2010

When Is It My Time To Shine?

  Hmm. I bet there are so many other people who feel exactly as the title says. I've sure been feeling that way lately. It just seems like I'm 2 steps in back of everyone else. Like everyone is out there having fun, and just living life to it's fullest. I know I've definitely had my share of problems with being afraid to really get out there and have fun for a change.
    Then, out of nowhere, I came across this quote: 
    "Just because today was a terrible day doesn't mean tomorrow won't be the best day of your entire life, you just have to wake up and get there." -Pete Wentz
   Some people here are probably thinking "Yeah, right. Because I'm going to wake up tomorrow and all my problems are going to be magically gone. Sure." But that's not it. We just have to have hope and keep pushing on that tomorrow we could wake up, and it's just going to be amazing. We all have our time to shine, maybe it's tomorrow, maybe it's in a week, maybe it's not even until you're 50 years old! But it'll come eventually, just you wait and see.
    I know what it feels like to feel like you're not going to fit in, to try and hide yourself because you're afraid of being rejected, but that's okay. God tells us to be different, to not give in to the conformist ways of this world. The song "Anti Conformity" By. Krystel Meyers really explains that, and it has a catchy beat :] Look it up sometime. 
    To wrap this all up, I just wanted to explain that no matter how bad your week is going, or maybe even month is going, just keep waiting for your moment. Because in that moment, God will give you your time to shine, and you're going to Rock It! :] 


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