Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My Mask

    Over the summer, I went on a missions trip to Philadelphia that changed me...for a little while, at least. You see, before the trip, I used to wear so much makeup that sometimes I didn't even recognize myself. It wasn't eye makeup, so it wasn't too horribly noticable, just foundation. I hated my skin, I hated my face in general, So I would splatter just about every foundation and concealer I had just to cover up...myself.
    When we got to philly, I still did that for the first 3 days while we were in training. But once we actually had to go out onto the mission field, the humidity was so bad that if I wore any makeup at all it would just slide right off of my face. I didn't really have a choice, I had to look that way, or have mascara smeared down my cheeks.
    By the end of the trip, I was so used to seeing my face that way that I didn't feel the need to wear it anymore. It went on like that until the first day of my freshman year. I got up in the morning, got all ready, no makeup whatsoever. But then I started thinking, these aren't people from my youth group who don't care, these are people from school, who do. So I splattered on the makeup, like I always used to, and it's been that way ever since.
    When there's no school, like now on Christmas break, I don't feel the need to "Paint my face" as my Dad calls it, And I started thinking..why should I have to when schools in? I mean, no matter how much makeup I put on my face, I can't escape the reality of who I really am. I am frizzy, curly haired Lorynne. I am the one with the past acne scars on my cheeks. I am the one with all the freckles scattered across my nose.
    I don't think even writing this is going to teach me my lesson. But I can still look back on it, and remember that I don't need to mask myself with makeup. But on my first day of my new high school, I'll probably do it again. And maybe a week, maybe a month, who knows how long! I'll look back on this and learn it all again. I don't know how long it's going to take before I can feel beautiful without it, but this sure is a start.
So here I am. To be honest, this isnt even that good of a picture. One of my cheeks is red like my hair from scars, but the webcam I have made it turn out like this. But here I am, makeupless, hair natural...It's me. And no matter how hard I try, I can't change that.
Thanks for reading.


  1. This is the Lorynne that I think is the most beautiful. Know why? Cause the inner YOU is seen more clearly. The same younthats always there no matter what but it's more evidence from the outside. Now you know that I love you no matter what right?

  2. Best blog yet! It's a good word for a lot of people, including your AunT SuZy. Not only does the world tell us we NEED a mask, it also tells us exactly what it LOOKS like. WHAAAAATT??? Thanks for the reminder. I love you so so very much.

  3. i like u w/ out makeup :)

  4. me too!!! :D i like yur blog too !!!
